The snow felt yesterday. I felt over my wish of winter.
I found my self in bologna town, between family, a writing projects and a desire that in a way take a split.Hit the road again and start to create the new reality I believe in. community, respect for the land, a life that become the game to play, a work that become the way to create beauty and art. But I know that this 2 desire can be the same thinks. It is just a useless thinking at the end. The most important thing is to let the life flow over your wishes, over the vision about what you want to be.
Do you have clear your vision, your vision my beautiful Agata? Because when you have it clear every things start to move and cooperate for you to succeed. I know that I have to slow down to have my vision clear. I know that is very simple too. A place that is good for me, water flowing, mountains, lots of green. A community of good people, not too many. A simple work cooperating for the basic need. Art and sport as way of trade, money. But for now I know that I still have to walk a bit, because simply I feel the desire to travel trough Asia. I ask myself if is a way of running away, of not taking responsibility and blab la. We spend to much time talking. This is for sure. So I always try to stay on the side of searching for the right question instead of searching for answer.
The solution is in the question.
At the moment I’m just trying to live slow, and is not easy for me and for this environment, Italy, to enjoy the family and to work on my book project, the story of one of my journey. That one that you take part in.
I feel ok, I know that I’m not at the best of my health and I know that I have a lack of energy on keep up of what I know is good for me, falling a bit in a past life. But all this is part of the path so surrender and play the game is always the solution. The important is always to act under the push of the heart. Never fell in the numbness of the sense.
I desire soon to take a course of meditation, 10 days of silence, and to head toward the deep white winter in the alps or to the north. Will see when the time will be ready. Completely useless to think about now.
How are you Agata? I’m really asking this to you?
I still think about you as a powerful girl, rich of beauty in your spirit and in your beautiful body. And I think that maybe you still fell there is something to change. Something not quite.
The pureness of all of us aspire at the same things. Friendship, sharing, creation, happiness.
We can find that only in the simple life.
How is life in the US? Still in tahoe? I loved America and I’ll be back. But for now I think I’ll head to India this end of spring.
Tell me about you journey, where are you, and not in a physical way?
I send you a big hug of friendship.